Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Virgin angel

Last leg of the trip. Up, up and away from the U S of A.
Katy in her sleeping bag. She had been so active in the terminal. Wanting to watch everything that was going on. It is always hilarious to see the faces of the passengers who suddenly realise they have got the seats next to the young baby on a trans-atlantic flight! But after a swig on her bottle katy gave in and snoozed thru takeoff again. Then stayed asleep in her sky cot for the next 6 hours!!

She awoke for decent (only cos we had to get her out of her comfy bed!) but then all smiles and a guzzle of yet another bottle. (But what goes in must come out! Good job the American dippers and sleeping bag held it in while she sat on my lap!)

We waited till all the other fraggles got off. Katy enjoyed the feel of her own seat while we waited. Then off to find our push chair waiting for us patiently.

A team effort on the clean up effort so all clean for customs!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Back to NYC

A walk back along Pennsylvania ave to union station (phew!) then onto the 3pm train to Newark airport.

Lovely colours of the trees whizzing past the train window.

Then an uneventful check in, and through security with loads if time to waste. Pretty poor shopping opportunities airside. (Not like the uk airports!) so time for a stretch before boarding, while daddy pops back landside to check out the shops that side again for a last minute bargin!

Hope he comes back in time!

Monument for the army 1st division

Around the west side of the White house. A mass of red flowers making up a '1' infront of the monument commemorating the army first division (I think). We could see this '1' from the top of the Washington monument!

White house (north side)

There is no front or back door to the White house apparently! Only north and south entrances. Well this was the north one (the back in my book!)

Police everywhere but it's surprising how close you feel you are to it all. Katy was asleep of course!

Last pic shows the actual west wing on the right hand side, for those that like the tv show!

Foggy bottom and surrounds

Off the metro at McPherson Sq and a short wander to 1600 Pennsylvania ave. (that's the White house!)

Past Five guys', a burger place where Obama and one of his aides went for a burger one day, just after he took office.

A massive Q outside a Maine lobster wagon. Must be good! Not your normal fish and chip wagon eh!!?

And finally past a mail box! I know we are a little late at things sometimes, but for those who receive a post card, its a sure bet that we will definitely beat this one home this time me thinks!!

Last day

A leisurely start to our last day (well, part day) in DC.

A swim with Katy to start (just because we can!) we even took her into the jacuzzi afterwards as it's thermostat was broken and it was a lot cooler than you'd normally find s jacuzzi. But more like a warm bath for Katy. She thought the fizzing bubbles were fascinating!

Ate our fill at breakfast then sorted our bags out and headed off about 11. A coffee to start of course! Katy doesn't look that chuffed that we had to go home does she!?

Up to the metro for a blue train ride to go the White house and see if mr Obama would like to invite us to lunch!

Bye to kings street and onto the metro. Had to sit at the front again and look out the front window of course!

Monday, 1 November 2010

Butt paste!

Amazing the names that the yanks call some everyday items..... We popped into a drug store and happened to peruse the baby isle. What a great name!!!

Outside at the mall

Not content with the vast number of shops inside at pentagon mall, we headed out to pentagon row, an esplanade of shops just outside.

Complete with ice rink, city bike share park, and a great outdoor style shop that we managed to spend more than an hour in!

More trains.

The metro is so convenient. All of it accessible via stroller or wheelchair, unlike the tube at home. but we have now mastered going down escalators with the push chair (I think going up might be s bit more tricky!!)

Stu was in his element at the back of the train. He could watch tge tracks wizz away behind us!! Katy just thought all the passengers were fair game to smile at. I think she has a new game in her head that she stares at someone with her cutest vacant look until they give in and talk to her, then she breaks out the torpedo of her adorable smile! Then she gets the 'oh, my gaaaad, wat adorable cheeks!!'

Like I've said before the hotel is well situated for train spotters. We can see the metro and Amtrak lines from our window. Love the double chimes of the rail horns! But they arn't loud enough to be a problem.

Last but not least it was bath for Katy then happy hour (well two hours!) in the hotel atrium. Great barman called Richard.

We've decided not to head into town for a meal as we really fed our faces at lunchtime. Off to the considerably closer whole foods extraordinary supermarket nearby, to get a snack and take it back to our room (or should I say suite!!)

Taco bell

A blast from the past! We are at the mall today near the pentagon and I just couldn't resist taco bell for lunch!!

Beef burrito, pintos and cheese and fire hot border sauce. All washed down with mountain dew!

Extremely bad for me but very yum and brought back memories of the drive thru on the I95 from my Atlanta days! At least I'm only eating it once, and staying here just a week. (wish it was longer tho, having a great time!)


Off on our last full day of adventures and at last Katy and mummy preside daddy that we need to go to a mall that contains shops not monuments!!

4 stops up on the yellow train metro to pentagon city and mall. Katy likes the trains when they aren't busy!

A big of shopping for daddy in tge apple store if course, a few clothes for me and lots if cool outfits from Macys for Katy!!

All posted in the wrong order!

We have been out of wifi for a couple of days. It appears that sat and Sunday emails to blog have got posted in the wrong order!

We went to eastern Market sat morning then kings street Alexandria. Then halloween costumes Sunday of course!


Sent from my iPhone

Been a busy day!

With all good intentions of watching a horror movie on Halloween, Stuey fell asleep on the sofa. I dozed off watching Forrest Gump by Washington's reflection pool, in the bedroom, and Katy just dreamt of all the fun things she had seen all day.

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Best supermarket ever

Time for bed and bath so back up to our current home. Still in time for happy hour drinks as well as a quick trip to the best supermarket ever discovered. Stu stayed with Katy while I popped out to Whole foods. Great fresh pick your own Chinese dinner. Yum!

And Katy all clean and snuggled up after another fun packed day. She's the bestest!

Trick or treat - big style!

We were just thinking about getting the trolley bus back up to the hotel for happy hour, but it turned out that missing it was the best thing that happened today!

We started walking up the road to find a whole street was closed off. Children, dogs and adults alike were all dressed up to the nines in their Halloween best. Such a great atmosphere! Katy didn't get any candy herself but she got alot if compliments, and loved every minute!! We have some great photos but alot on the main camera. We are going to have to cone back next year when she can actually take part properly!

Halloween hot dogs

Alexandrian's are big dog lovers. All of them were dressed up today too!!